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Collaborative case study for academic center

Jaydeep Adhikari – Mar 23

The AAPM Annual Meeting 2021 brought together top experts and thought leaders in the fields of precision medicine, life science, biotech, medtech and pharma. The theme was “Accelerating Precision Medicine and Transforming Patient Health,” AAPM2021 serve as a leading forum for new medical breakthroughs as well as cutting-edge basic, translational, and clinical research.

AAPM 2021 has showcased new solutions to clinical and omics data collection, transfer, storage, analysis, security as well as designing and implementing new Big Data Solutions and artificial intelligence in the industry.

The first day (Jan 7, 2021) was dedicated for DataAI National Summit (DANS2021). Mr. Mohan Uttarwar had been invited to participate in ‘Lightning talks’ during DataAI National Summit (DANS2021). He spoke about the future of DataAI and initiatives taken by iNDX.Ai.

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